Presentation of the teachers to the students. Presentation of the syllabus and functioning of the course. Portugal in the European context: contemporary demographic, social and economic features.

19 Setembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Presentation of the teachers to the students. Presentation of the syllabus, objectives and skills. Functioning of the course.

The assessment of the students is the following: 1. General regime of evaluation: 1st written test (30%); 2nd written test (30%); Group written essay (40%). 2. Special regime of evaluation: 1st written test (30%); 2nd written test (30%); Individual written essay (40%).

I – Portugal in the European context. 1.1. - The environmental setting. Physical Geography of Portugal: Position and geographical setting; Geomorphological characteristics; Geology and Lithology of Portugal; Relief of Portugal; Surface currents of the North Atlantic Ocean.




COSTA PINTO, A. (2011) – “Twentieth-century Portugal: An introduction”, in Costa Pinto, A. (ed.), Contemporary Portugal. Politics, society and culture, pp.1-54. New York, SMM-Columbia University Press.

