Future classes and new evaluation criteria

3 Abril 2020, 12:00 Tânia Joesephine Gregg Lopes da Silva

Students were sent four texts today (2 Portuguese, 2 English) as samples of the next phase of the course focusing on the translation of financial and economic texts.

The task set today was for students to familiarise themselves with the terminology underlined in the texts and to compare the Portuguese and English versions.
On Tuesday 7 April, we will have a class (Zoom) to practise a translation exercise.

Given the current circumstances, the evaluation criteria have been adapted to the following:

In-class (and at home) group translations - 30%
Test 1 (Individual, 31 March 2020) - 35%
Test 2 (Individual, 8 May, 2020) - 35%

The rest of the course will be structured as follows:
7 April - online class
10 April - online class
17 April - online class
21 April - online class
24 April -no class- group translation assignment
28 April - online class
5 may - online class
8 May - Test  2(Financial and economic text)