
The primary business activities of the media industry

22 Novembro 2022, 11:00 Fernando Jorge da Costa de Brissos

1. The six business activities of primary interest to the media industry.
2. From production to distribution and exhibition: having a good media product is important, but visibility is also crucial to fulfill most commercial goals.
2.1. Vertical integration and exclusive commercial rights.
3. Everything starts and ends with financial and economical decisions, so corporate policies are a fundamental part of the media process. 
3.1. There seems to be a trend of mergers and acquisitions in the media sector that leads to the concentration of market share in a scarce number of companies. Is that a good or a bad thing?

Are the mass media a business like any other?

18 Novembro 2022, 11:00 Fernando Jorge da Costa de Brissos

1. The media sector is the result of much more than just a linear chain of events caused by the need to reach audiences for commercial purposes in an optimized market economy. The media are a business, but a very specific one.
1.1. Discussing examples of media companies apparently - or effectively - contradicting their commercial goals.
2. Audience search and consumer profiling.
2.1. Discussion: is the right to privacy duly accounted for nowadays on the internet?

Entrega e correção do teste de avaliação

17 Novembro 2022, 17:00 Jorge Alexandre Loureiro Pinto

1. Entrega e correção do teste.

2.Conclusão do assunto iniciado na aula anterior:
O jornalismo como o "quarto poder" ou como "caixa de ressonância" de outros poderes?

Entrega e correção do teste de avaliação

17 Novembro 2022, 12:30 Jorge Alexandre Loureiro Pinto

1. Entrega e correção do teste.

2. Análise do texto: 

Nunes, L. P. (2016, abril 2). Tay, o bot que acabou lobotomizado: É a inteligência artificial inconciliável com a estupidez das redes? E, A Revista do Expresso, p. 102.

O poder dos média

15 Novembro 2022, 17:00 Jorge Alexandre Loureiro Pinto

O poder da Comunicação Social: o paradigma do agenda-setting.