
Presentation: Family

16 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Seniye Vural

Students present about their family to the whole class. After each presentation, students ask the presenter questions about the family members (their ages, names, occupations, etc.)


14 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Seniye Vural

Students are presented with a family tree and the vocabulary related to the family.

As a whole-class activity, students make sentences introducing the people in the family in relation to others. 

There isn't/aren't

9 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Seniye Vural

The negative structure there isn't/aren't is presented. 

There is/are

7 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Seniye Vural

The structure there is/there are is presented and practiced with the use of the classroom vocabulary.

Students are shown pictures and asked to ask and answer questions in pairs.
The students are asked to prepare a talk about what there is in their room/apartment. 

My home

2 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Seniye Vural

Revision of classroom vocabulary
Vocabulary related to home, the rooms of the house and the furniture are introduced.
The vocabulary are practiced through the online teaching portal.