Culture related components

5 Novembro 2021, 08:00 Zuzanna Zarebska

•Perception: the volume of environmental stimuli.•Culture places criteria on how we experience the world sensorially.•People from different cultures perceive the world differently.•The socio-cultural elements have significant influence on our symbol and sense making. These elements are belief, value (ethics, aesthetics, morality), attitude and world-view. •Values represent things we hold important in our lives and are a motivating force behind our behaviours.•Ex: harmonious lifestyle in contrast with frankness, honesty and openness. •World-view: our orientation towards the philosophical aspects of life and one of the most important elements in intercultural communication.

•Patterns of cognition•West: linear, cause and effect thinking process that influences rationality and reasoning. (systematic and in-depth problem-solving)

•Asia: holistic approach. Problems are interrelated and complex, requiring greater emphasis on the collective.
•Nonverbal behaviour
•Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, posture, movement, touch, dress, silence, use of space, use of objects. These show remarkable variance across cultures. 
•Context: what is correct or incorrect for situations? Or expected

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