26 Novembro 2021, 08:00
Zuzanna Zarebska
Foi analisado na aula o texto de Jumpha Lahiri "Teach Yourself Italian. Foi analisado a simbologia de metamorfose que a autora usa no seu texto para descrever a aprendizagem de uma nova língua e a entrada numa nova cultura: "Here becomes there and there becomes here". Foi abordada a ideia de que ha uma ligação entre a aprendizagem de línguas e culturas, em prol de melhor comunicação do eu e do outro, e o desejo de um ponto de vista psicanalítico.
Foram também levantados os seguintes temas:
Linguistic metamorphosis;
Cultural metamorphosis;
Communication of the self across cultures;
Communication of the self against cultures;
Pela sua importância, destacam se as seguintes citações:
“How is it possible to feel exiled from a languagethat isn’t mine?
That I don’t know? Maybe because I’m a writer who doesn’t belong completely to any language."
"I was enchanted by it. I discovered a sublime work, a living, enthralling language. I believe thatreading in a foreign language is the most intimateway of reading.”
“Until she is transformed, Daphne is running for her life. Now she is stopped; she can no longermove. Apollo can touch her, but he can’t possessher. Though cruel, the metamorphosis is hersalvation.
"On the one hand, she loses herindependence. On the other, as a tree, she remainsforever in the wood, her place, where she has a different sort of freedom. The most obvious answer is the English language. But I think it’s not so much English in itself as everything the language has symbolized for me. For practically my whole life, English hasrepresented a consuming struggle, a wrenchingconflict, a continuous sense of failure that is thesource of almost all my anxiety. It has representeda culture that had to be mastered, interpreted. I wasafraid that it meant a break between me and myparents. English denotes a heavy, burdensomeaspect of my past. I’m tired of it."
"One could say that the mechanism ofmetamorphosis is the only element of life thatnever changes. The journey of every individual, every country, every historical epoch—of theentire universe and all it contains—is nothing but a series of changes, at times subtle, at times deep,without which we would stand still. The momentsof transition, in which something changes, constitute the backbone of all of us. Whether theyare a salvation or a loss, they are moments that wetend to remember.
They give a structure to ourexistence. Almost all the rest is oblivion."