9 Dezembro 2022, 11:00 • Sónia Frota
Resolução de exercícios sobre a matéria dada e esclarecimento de dúvidas.
Characterizing speakers’ linguistic knowledge: Aspects of syntactic knowledge.
7 Dezembro 2022, 14:00 • Marina Vigário
Characterizing speakers’ linguistic knowledge: Aspects of syntactic knowledge - Words in combination. Identifying the basic syntactic units: words and natural groups of words (syntactic constituents). Tests for identifying syntactic constituents. Syntactic trees as ways of representing speakers’ mental representation of sentences. More on syntactic ambiguity. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations among words. Syntactic categories (or classes) and subclasses.
Ppt presentations used in class, recommended readings, exercises and other relevant information can be found in the course webpage: