
The Clinton Years

17 Maio 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

Domestic Programs vs Foreign Policies;
Gay Rights and the Aids Crisis;
Military interventions; 
Sex scandals, political and mediatic "uses and abuses" of these affairs.
Popularity rates;

Tolerância de Ponto

12 Maio 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

Tolerância de Ponto 

The 80s and the First Gulf War

10 Maio 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

-Reagan and Reagonomics (continuation)

- The 80s: Chistian Movements and Popular Culture
-The First Gulf War; Jean Baudrillard and the "simulacrum" of war

The Feminist Movement, Carter and Reagan

5 Maio 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

-The Feminist Movement - equal rights, the sexual revolution, birth control;
-Jimmy Carter, Religion and Human RightsThe Reagan Revolution, Reagonomics; -Reagan's Second Inaugural AddressThe Return to Family Values and Gary David Goldberg's "Family Ties"  (1982-1989)


3 Maio 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

 Exercício presencial