
Counter-culture and Vietnam postests

28 Abril 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

The Beat Generation;

Counter-culture movements;
Protest songs: historical background and focus on the 60s (civil rights and vitenam war songs);

Methodological guidelines for tests and essays.

The Vitenam War

26 Abril 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

 Historical Background of the War

Opposition to the War and Social and Cultural Climate in the 60s 
Morale of the Troops and Fragging Incidents
Nixon's Silent Majority and the Generation Gap
Visual Memory: "The Saigon Execution"
The Deer Hunter - analysis of the "Russian Roulette" scene

Open Seminar by Prof. Philip Hosay: The Two Faces of America

21 Abril 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

- The Two Faces of America

- US Diplomacy in the 21st Century
-Donald Trump and the Impact of Migration Policies

Vietnam War

19 Abril 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

- The Vietnam  War

 -The film  The Deer Hunter Directed by Michael Cimino (1978)

Civil Rights - continuation

7 Abril 2017, 10:00 Susana Isabel Arsenio Nunes Costa Araujo

Civil Rights - continuation

(This seminar was changed to the 28th April)