16 Outubro 2024, 12:30
Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras
From the centralisation of
the royal power to absolutism.
The first Stuarts: the designation of a successor by Elisabeth I and its validation. The factual union of Scotland and England under the same monarch: advantages and difficulties - the religious factor and its impact among the subjects. From James I to Charles I - the political changes that took place following other European powers's dominant ideology, absolutism. The Parliament's reaction to absolutist practice in England. The rise of opposition to the king and his supporters, The Royalists, by the Roundheads. Characterisation of both factions adherents.
The break of the Civil War.
11 Outubro 2024, 12:30
Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras
From the centralisation of
the royal power to absolutism:
The first Stuarts. The union of the kingdoms of Scotland and England under obe King. James I external policy in search of a balanced relationship amongst Catholic and Protestant countries. Charles I rule: 'the divine of right of the king' theory and the attempt to establish absolutism as was in force in France.
Parliament's response. The division into two factions - Roundheads and Royalists.
The breaking of the Civil War.
9 Outubro 2024, 12:30
Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras
Reading of Thomas
More’s Utopia.
Approach of Book II of Utopia: the economic, political and social structure of Utopia. The religious factor: the importance of belief in a transcendental level of eternal life; and the dedense of ecumenism. The communal way of living versus individuality. Main philosophic notions.
4 Outubro 2024, 12:30
Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras
Thomas More's Utopia, 1516 and the beginning of a new genre.
The structure of the book: the relationship between reality and the alternative way of living.
Book I: the entertwining of real and fictional characters in order to create verusimilitude. the major narrator and the meaningfulness of his name. Major social problems in 16th century England according to him.
2 Outubro 2024, 12:30
Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras
Protestant Reformation.- its origins: John Wycliffe and its impetus to the translatiob of the Bible in 1380; Erasmus (1466/69–1536), the most famous and important of the Northern or Christian humanists, questioned the practices of the church.
Martin Luther and his 95 Theses (1517). The attack on the indulgence system; the reform of the church.
John Calvin (1509-1564): the doctrine of predestination. The justification of the new financial activities.
The religious schism in England and the foundation of the Anglican Church in Eisabeth's reign.