17 Setembro 2019, 12:00 • Manuela Santos Silva
Apresentação pessoal, da disciplina e dos métodos de avaliação.
16 Setembro 2019, 16:00 • Covadonga Valdaliso Casanova
Apresentação, plano de aulas, programa, bibliografia e avaliação.
Presentation of the syllabus, the bibliography and the assessing method.
16 Setembro 2019, 10:00 • Ana Maria Seabra de Almeida Rodrigues
The syllabus is available at the FLUL webpage (under "Programas das Unidades Curriculares 2018-2019”). The tutorials are on Thursdays, from 3pm to 5pm, in room 1.20. There is a website on the e-learning platform dedicated to this Curricular Unit ("Portuguese Medieval History TP1 [19/20]) where the PPT presented in class will be deposited, as well as all the articles that will be discussed in class. The assessment will be continuous, consisting of one written test (worth 40% of the grade) on December 12; an essay of 10-15 pages to be delivered at a fixed date (40% of the grade), and the regular and active participation of the students in class (20%).