Cultura, dietética e gastronomia da Ásia Oriental (*Rota da Seda) [ELISABETTA COLLA]
5 Novembro 2020, 09:30 • Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David
- Hansen, Valerie. 2017. The Silk Road: a new history with documents. New York : Oxford University Press.
- Nabhan, Gary Paul. 2014. Cumin, camels, and caravans: a spice odyssey. Berkeley : University of California Press.
- Schafer, Edward H. 1985. The Golden peaches of Samarkand: a study of Tang exotics. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Spengler, Robert N. 2019. Fruit from the sands: the Silk Road origins of the foods we eat. Oakland, California: University of California Press.
- Whitfield, Susan, and Peter Sellars. 2019. Silk Roads: peoples, cultures, landscapes. London : Thames & Hudson
"A sociedade de corte no Islão Medieval" [ELSA CARDOSO]
30 Outubro 2020, 11:00 • Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David
"A sociedade de corte no Islão Medieval"
Ano 1000 o início da Globalização? [ELISABETTA COLLA]
29 Outubro 2020, 11:00 • Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David
- Chaudhuri, Kirti N. 2000. Asia before Europe: economy and civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the rise of Islam to 1750. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Hansen, Valerie. 2020. The year 1000: when explorers connected the world-- and globalization began. U.K. : Viking
- Ho, Clara Wing-chung, Ricardo K. S. Mak, and Yue-him Tam. 2018. Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role.
- Ptak, Roderich. 2019. China und Asiens maritime Achse im Mittelalter Konzepte, Wahrnehmungen, offene Fragen. Berlin De Gruyter
- Schottenhammer, Angela. 2019. Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, Volume I. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Schottenhammer, Angela. 2019. Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, Volume II Exchange of Ideas, Religions, and Technologies. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Ano 1000 o início da Globalização? [ELISABETTA COLLA]
29 Outubro 2020, 09:30 • Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David
- Chaudhuri, Kirti N. 2000. Asia before Europe: economy and civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the rise of Islam to 1750. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Hansen, Valerie. 2020. The year 1000: when explorers connected the world-- and globalization began. U.K. : Viking
- Ho, Clara Wing-chung, Ricardo K. S. Mak, and Yue-him Tam. 2018. Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role.
- Ptak, Roderich. 2019. China und Asiens maritime Achse im Mittelalter Konzepte, Wahrnehmungen, offene Fragen. Berlin De Gruyter
- Schottenhammer, Angela. 2019. Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, Volume I. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Schottenhammer, Angela. 2019. Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, Volume II Exchange of Ideas, Religions, and Technologies. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Diário de uma pandemia - Wuhan [ELISABETTA COLLA]
23 Outubro 2020, 11:00 • Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David
Diário de uma pandemia - Wuhan
- Introdução à literatura moderna e contemporânea chinesas
- O Diário?
- A autora Fang Fang (方方) - Wang Fang (汪芳; nascida a 11 de maio de 1955).
- As outras obras de Fang Fang
Ben-Amos, Batsheva. 2020. The Diary: The Epic of Everyday Life. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Brokaw, Cynthia, and Christopher Alexander Reed. 2010. From woodblocks to the internet : Chinese publishing and print culture in transition, circa 1800 to 2008. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
Denton, Kirk A., Ju-Chan Fulton, and Joshua S. Mostow. 2012. Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Fang, Fang, and Michael Berry. 2020. Wuhan diary: dispatches from a quarantined city. New York : HarperVia.
Leung, Laifong. 2016. Contemporary Chinese fiction writers: biography, bibliography, and critical assessment. (acedido 22/10/2020), pp. 72-77
Zhao, Henry Y. H. 1995. The uneasy narrator: Chinese fiction from the traditional to the modern. Oxford: Oxford University Press.