Draft1 feedback. Preparation Draft2

4 Novembro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Professor returned marked Drafts 1 and commented on a wide selection, noting common language mistakes and narrative flaws.
Organization of "Crit" groups.

IMPORTANT - HW and Deadlines: Draft 2:

Monday 9th students will have to bring copies of Draft 2 (taking the mentioned marking and critiques into account) for their assigned Crit group members (average of 6 students per group).
Over the week, students will have to read these drafts and produce at least half a page of constructive criticism notes for each short story. These notes shall discuss narrative problems AND, most importantly, suggest practical ways of resolving these problems (i.e. how you would tackle the problem at hand within the story).

On Monday 16th students convene in their groups to discuss each short story in turn. The author of the short story in question is not allowed to speak/respond, but has the task of taking notes of his/her colleagues' considerations.