
Reading: Milk for the Cat by Michael Morpurgo - Part 2

27 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's Milk for the Cat.

Homework: finish reading this short story.

Next class: we will begin reading Michael Morpurgo's Mad Miss Marney

Reading: Milk for the Cat by Michael Morpurgo - Part 1

23 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP1 began their reading of Michael Morpurgo's Milk for the Cat.

Next class: we will continue to read this short story.

Third Speaking Workshop

20 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP1 carried out its third and final speaking workshop.  A warm and truly grateful thank you to the B2.1 students (Yasmin and Aida) who came to participate and help us out!

Next class:  Reading - Michael Morpurgo's Gone to Sea - Part 1.

Reading: Gone to Sea by Michael Morpurgo - Part 2

16 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP1 continued to read Gone to Sea.

Homework: finish reading Gone to Sea.

Next class:  third and final speaking workshop!

Reading: Gone to Sea by Michael Morpurgo - Part 1

13 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP1 read Gone to Sea by Michael Morpurgo.

Next class: we will continue to read Gone to Sea.