
First Writing Workshop

2 Outubro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we carried out our first writing workshop.

Students who wish to hand in assignments carried out during the workshop should email me their perfected texts.

Students are also reminded to name their documents as per the instructions in the course book.  

For example, if Ana Silva wants to hand in one assignment, she should name the document Ana Silva - Writing 1.  If she wants to hand in three assignments, she should name them Ana Silva - Writing 1a, Ana Silva - Writing 1b, Ana Silva - Writing 1c.

The deadline for the assignments is 18th of October.

Next class: grammar test!

Goodbye Grammar...

28 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP1 finished time, position and direction prepositions.  We then went on to learn about the gerund vs. the infinitive.

Next class: there has been a change to the calendar, as TP1 has FLOWN through the grammar (well done, TP1).  We will be doing the first Writing Workshop next class.  Also, a new, updated calendar will be uploaded onto the share Google drive.  Please consult this at your earliest convenience.

Homework: please do the following exercises:

More grammar - finishing up location prepositions

25 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP1 finished looking at location prepositions.

Those who missed today's class should consult the PowerPoint (Prepositions) which can be found in the shared Google drive.

Next class: we will look at time, position, direction prepositions.

Homework:  please do the following exercises:

More Grammar Still...Goodbye verbs, hello prepositions.

21 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, students learned about WHEN to use: 

  • the past perfect continuous
  • the future simple
  • prepositions (location)
Homework: students should carry out the exercises on the following pages by clicking on the links below (those who missed class should first read the PowerPoint tutorials that are on the shared Google drive):
Next class: we will finish looking at location prepositions and will move on to time prepositions.

Grammar - More Verb Tenses.

18 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, students learned about WHEN to use: 

  • the present perfect
  • the present perfect continuous
  • the past perfect
Homework: students should carry out the exercises on the following pages by clicking on the links below (those who missed class should first read the PowerPoint tutorials that are on the shared Google drive):
Next class: we will be look at the past perfect continuous and maybe more.