Writing Workshop - Part 3

23 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we carried out our third and final Writing Workshop.

  • Warm Up - 5 Senses:
    • Close your eyes and stay still. Maybe you’re in your bedroom, maybe you’re in a coffee shop, maybe you’re at FLUL, it doesn’t matter where you are…
    • Ask yourself: what do you smell?  What do you hear?  What do you taste? What’s the temperature? What do you feel? Finally…open your eyes and look around you.  What do you see?
    • Write a 1st person text that describes where you are and your sensorial experience in it.
      • You have 10 minutes.
  • Exercise 1: 5 Senses - Stage 2
    • Choose one of the Edward Hopper paintings you’re about to see.
    • Imagine you are one of the characters in the paintings.
    • Write down what you:
      • Smell
      • Taste
      • Feel (physically/touch)
      • Hear
      • See
        • You have 15 minutes.
  • Exercise 2: Dear Diary
    • Now imagine that your character from the painting is writing a diary entry.
    • Describe how they feel, in other words, what their mood is.
    • Try to integrate the sensorial elements from the previous exercise.
    • Your character can write about something that happened that day, or about their dreams, their frustrations, anything, just like a real diary.
    • This is a 1st person text – you are the character.
      • You have 20-30 minutes to write this text.
Next class: hopefully, we should be having a spare class this Sunday (April 25th) in order to carry out our Speaking Workshop - Part 2 with some of my C1.1 students from TP13.