

1 Março 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

In pairs, students told each other the stories they’d written for homework last week.

Group discussion about types of media and the level of students’ trust in the news they report.

Reading of an article from The Guardian about why Americans are pulling away from the daily news. Questions and discussions related to the text.

Homework: Prepare for the test on Monday.


27 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Quick exercise to review and practise the vocabulary learned for homework.

Overview of the structure, meaning and use of the present perfect tense and its contrast with the past simple.

Game: Find someone who has…

Pairwork practice of the exercises in the Coursebook (to be finished for homework).


22 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Quick review of vocabulary learned for homework, and answering the question “What’s it for?”

In pairs, students blindly selected a card from each of 5 categories and used them as elements in brainstorming and producing a written piece. Students then read their pieces to the group.

Homework: 1) Write an individual piece including 5 different blindly-selected elements. 2) Explore, learn and practice vocabulary relating to media and crime (vocabulary book units 37 and 39).


15 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Pairwork: information gap activity to practice numbers.

Review and extension of modal verbs, their meanings and uses. Practice exercises as a group, then in pairs, then individually.

Homework: 1) Complete the exercises on modals in the Coursebook. 2) Explore, learn and practice vocabulary relating to health, medicine and lifestyle (vocabulary book units 28, 29 and 30).


13 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Quick exercise to practise vocabulary learned for homework.

Introduction to the topics of AI and green energy. Class discussion.

Reading an article from The Guardian about AI being used to protect eagles from wind turbine blades in Germany. Questions and discussions related to the text.