

8 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

How to say different numbers, including hundreds, thousands, millions, percentages, temperatures, measurements and decimal points. The different words for 0.

Game in groups of 3 to practise reading and recognising numbers.

Viewing of former SA President Zuma’s embarrassing difficulty with numbers in his speeches.

Homework: 1)Write a piece called “My Monday in numbers”, detailing the numerical values of everything you do on Mondays. 2) Explore, learn and practice vocabulary relating to music and food (vocabulary book units 21 and 22).

Reading and speaking

6 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Article from The Guardian about a vase valued at €2,000 selling at auction for €8m. Answering pre-reading and comprehension questions as a class, in pairs and individually. Group discussion. In honour of Curt Cobain’s guitar selling at auction for $4.5m, we listened to his song “Come as you are” performed around the world by Playing for Change.

Grammar: relative pronouns and relative clauses

1 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Overview of rules for forming complex sentences with relative pronouns. PÇractice exercises as a class, in pairs and individually.

Homework: 1) Completion of remaining exercises on relative clauses. 2) Explore, learn and practice vocabulary relating to art, literature, theatre and cinema (vocabulary book units 19 and 20).

Reading and speaking

30 Janeiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Article from The Guardian about a man who unwittingly became a meme. Answering pre-reading and comprehension questions as a class, in pairs and individually. Group discussion.

Grammar: comparatives and superlatives

25 Janeiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Overview of rules for forming comparative and superlative adjectives, including qualification (as … as, twice as … as, quite a lot more than, etc.). Groupwork; comparison of 3 pictures from Hungry Planet showing a family’s food for the week in 3 different countries. Practice exercises as a class, in pairs and individually.

Homework: 1) Write a piece comparing the food of the 3 families in the pictures. 2) Explore, learn and practice vocabulary relating to everyday minor problems and global problems (vocabulary book units 12 and 13).