Summary writing and DVD watching
9 Março 2020, 14:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
Writing a summary of the short story 'Thief'.
Providing feedback on summary writing.
'The Show: Water ski challenge': reading and discussing different challenges (page 32).
Watching a DVD on Christine Bleakley's challenge. (page 32)
Homework assignment : reading the rules for negative and interrogative forms in English. Doing the fill-in-the-blank exercise about negative and affirmative statements.
Reading & Writing
9 Março 2020, 14:00 • Ana Rita Martins
Reading & Debating: "Can you be British without speaking English?"
- Basic concepts: 1 paragraph = 1 idea
- How to structure a paragraph: Topic sentence; Supporting sentences; Concluding sentence
Summary writing of the short story "Thief" by Robley Wilson.
9 Março 2020, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
A step-by-step approach to summary writing: (a) reading the short story "Thief" by Robley Wilson and underlining the important information; (b) writing a list with that information in your own words; (c) using the list to write the summary of the story - in-class assignment.
Gerunds vs infinitives
9 Março 2020, 08:00 • Gaile Parkin
Grammar – in a text about climate change verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives. Explanation and practice exercises.