Unit 3 relationships
15 Abril 2020, 14:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
Before reading the short story " Cat in the rain" by Hemingway. Focusing on activities from pages 36-37 of the Workbook.
Watching and discussing "A class that turned around kids' assumptions of gender roles" (
Discussing gender stereotypes. A quiz on what women really think (page 38)
Discussing "Cat in the rain" by Hemingway (pages 39-41) . Reading comprehension questions (page 41). Asking and answering questions: checking students' answers.
Writing a summary of the short story (in-class activity).
Comparative adjectives in parallel clauses
15 Abril 2020, 08:00 • Gaile Parkin
Review of test and clarification of areas of difficulty. Comparing and contrasting, continued; comparative adjectives in parallel clauses (e.g. The older we grow, the wiser we become.)
Classes suspended (Covid-19). Discussion of "Cat in the rain" by Ernest Hemingway.
15 Abril 2020, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Zoom meeting: Discussion of the short story "Cat in the rain" by Ernest Hemingway: plot summary; character analysis; theme.
1. write a summary of the short story “Cat in the rain” and send it by email deadline 16 April (remember to follow the summary guidelines on pp. 26-27).
2. read the short story “Sunday in the park” by Bel Kaufman (pp. 42-45) and answer the questions on it (Exercise 3 Reading Comprehension, page 45). We will check the answers on 20 April during the Zoom meeting. Do not send the answers by email, please.
Oral Presentations
6 Abril 2020, 14:00 • Ana Rita Martins
- Watch Black Mirror's "Men against fire" episode
- Read novel Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman
New assessment rules and semester plan
6 Abril 2020, 14:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
English B1.2
2nd semester 2019-2020
I – Assessment and grading system: new rules (6th April 2020)
After the Easter break, there will be seven classes as the second semester will come to an end on May 8th.
As you may know, we have been officially informed that FLUL will remain closed and that all activities, tests and exams will have to be done remotely.
Given these special circumstances, and in accordance with our Dean’s latest instructions, the assessment and grading system had to be slightly changed.
Please be informed that weighting is now as follows:
· First test is worth 10% - (done on 18th March)
· Second test is worth 40% - scheduled for 27 April 2020 (to be done during class hours)
The test will have three parts:
Part 1 – 2 reading comprehension questions on a reading passage
Part 2 – writing a summary
Part 3 – writing a paragraph
· Oral presentation is worth 15%
This is an individual assignment that will consist in a 3-minute speech, spoken from notes, NOT read.
The topic of the presentation has changed. It will no longer be about a book or film.
The new topic is: My most treasured possession
In principle, the oral presentations will be done via Zoom meetings. In case that is not possible, each student will have to do a video of her/ his presentation (which means that she/he will have to record himself /herself speaking about his/her most treasured possession) and email it to on 4th May during class hours (from 14:00h to 16:00h).
The date set for the oral presentation is 4th May between 14:15h and 16:00h. All students are expected to have their video ready to send in case anything goes wrong with the Zoom meeting.
· Task-based oral and written assignments are worth 30%
o Letter of advice
o Superstitions
o Summary of “Thief”
o A major challenge/achievement
o Justice podcast: Personalisation section
o Worksheets 1 to 5
o Summary of “Cat in the rain”
o any other writing activity we may have to do in the meantime
· Attendance is worth 5% (exclusively for in-class lessons from 27th January to 9th March)
Since assessment is conducted on a regular basis, any task that is not submitted when due and/or any form of plagiarism will be given a zero. Any student who fails to do one of the above-mentioned tests/tasks will be given a zero.
Worker students may, if they so wish, opt for continuous assessment (in which case they will have to comply with all the assessment criteria set for regular students) OR sit the Época de Avaliação Final Alternativa examination. The examination will focus on the contents of the syllabus adopted for the B1.2 level.
As you may know, the Época de Avaliação Final Alternativa examination will also have to be done at home during class hours since FLUL will remain closed. The date has not been set yet but it will be in the week 1 to 5 June.
II – Proposed activities for classes from 15 April to 6 May
Easter break: 8-14 April
15 April:
· Preparation: please read the story at home.
· In class: Discussion of the short story “Cat in the rain” by Ernest Hemingway (pp. 39-41).
· Homework: write a summary of the short story. This summary must be submitted by email to on 16 April.
20 April:
· Preparation: please read the story at home.
· In class: Discussion of the short story “Sunday in the park” by Bel Kaufman (pp. 42-45)
· Oral summary of the short story
22 April:
· Preparation for the test: students read the instructions (pages 56-57) and do the grammar exercises (page 58) about the difference between the simple past and present perfect.
· In class: Checking simple past/present perfect exercises. Checking negative /interrogative of verbs. Checking countable and uncountable uses of nouns.
· In class: Video podcast “Neighbours” (if there is time)
· Homework: check grammar, spelling and vocabulary issues.
27 April:
· Second writing test (done during class hours and sent to by 16:15h)
29 April:
· Feedback on tests
· Homework: students prepare their oral presentation and record themselves speaking about "My Most treasured possession"
4 May:
· Oral presentations
6 May:
· Feedback on oral presentations.
· Last class.