
Straight news stories/reports and features. Direct and delayed leads. Popular vs quality press: Comparing and contrasting two news stories on the same event.

27 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

1. Journalistic genres: Straight news stories/reports and features. Direct and delayed leads; the inverted pyramid style and the narrative style; nut graphs (READING MATTERS TEXT 8 "How journalists write" and TEXT 9 ("Features").

2. Popular vs quality press: (a) in class activity: comparing and contrasting the language features and overall style of two news stories reporting on the same event - TEXT 9 "Pride of Britain Awards 2011 ...", Daily Mirror; TEXT 10 - "Pensioner prevented jewellery raid ...", The Guardian (to be continued next class).

HOMEWORK: Take notes about the differences/similarities between TEXTS 9 and 10 by answering the questions on page 30 of the Workbook (Making judgements about the kind of audience the articles were written for); you'll have to report orally on your findings in Thursday's class.

Shared knowledge in headlines.

26 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Shared knowledge in headlines: discussing examples of headlines that are related to specific cultural references. 

HOMEWORK: Read READING MATTERS TEXT 7 and TEXT 8 at home. These texts will be discussed tomorrow.

"Crash blossoms". The language features of headlines continued.

22 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reading and discussion of READING MATTERS TEXT 6 - "Crash blossoms". 

Syntactic ambiguity in headlines: analysing examples of garden-path sentences or crash blossoms.

HOMEWORK: Do the exercise "Headlines- Shared knowledge" (p.23) at home. Answers will be checked in Monday's Zoom class.

The language features of headlines. "Heads you win" by Ian Mayes.

20 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reading and analysis of the article "Heads you win" by Ian Mayes (The Guardian) (READING MATTERS TEXT 5). 

Headlines: deducing the language features of headlines (syntax, commonly used short words, and other headlinese rules) by doing exercises on pages 18-20.

HOMEWORK: Please read READING MATTERS TEXT 6 (“Crash blossoms”) at home and do the exercises on pages  21-22 for Thursday’s class.

Deducing the language features of the front page of British tabloids and quality papers continued.

19 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Deducing the language features of the front page of British tabloids and quality papers continued: reporting on the analysis of the front page of a British tabloid and a quality paper. Summing up the main features of both types of newspapers front pages.  

HOMEWORK: Read through pages 16-17 (Headlines) and do Exercises (A) and (B) under the section Deducing the language features of headlines (pages 18.-19). The answers will be checked in tomorrow' face-to-face class.