
Popular and quality press: deducing stylistic features of the front page.

15 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Analysing the front page of British popular and quality papers: deducing the stylistic features of the front page by comparing and contrasting the front page of a quality and a popular newspaper.

1. Choose a pair of newspapers from the photos in the Google Drive folder Popular-Quality-Papers.

2. Compare and contrast the two front pages by answering the questions on page 14 of the English for the Media Workbook transcribed below. Bear in mind the different aspects/sections on the front page: the skyline, the lead story, headlines, the standfirst; is there a standalone? 

  1. Choose what you think is the lead story on each of the front pages. Give reasons for your choice.
  2. What comments can you make about headline sizes and types on the two front pages?
  3. How are the front pages different from or similar to each other? 
  4. Compare the number and size of advertisements and pictures, the amount of space given to national vs. international news, etc.
  5. What kind of news do editors think it worthy of the front page?
  6. Comment on the ways in which front-page editors tempt readers to buy the two papers.

Discussion of READING MATTERS TEXTS 2, 3, and 4 continued. News terminology.

13 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of three newspaper articles related to Front Page shocking images continued: (a) "Photo Editors' Notebook: What makes the image of Omran Daqneesh extraordinary?" (TEXT 3); (b) "Facebook back tracks to allow iconic Vietnam War photo of child napalm victims" (TEXT 4).

News terminology: The Guardian Front Page - skyline, masthead, headline, byline, standfirst, body text, standalone, caption, turn, edition dots, crosshead (see the Appended Materials).

Taking a look at the British national papers front pages.

HOMEWORK: instructions sent by email for a written assignment (response or reaction paper) due on 22nd October.

Zoom class: TED talk "Photos that changed the world". Discussion of TEXT 2.

12 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Zoom class:

1) Watching the TED talk "Photos that changed the world" by Jonathan Klein.
2) Discussion of "Are newspapers correct to use such shocking images on their front pages?" (READING MATTERS TEXT 2).
Please note that discussion of TEXTS 3 and 4 will be held tomorrow in the face-to-face class.
HOMEWORK: Instructions sent by email for an oral short assignment to be present on 19th October.

The Front Page: the impact of words in the printed press.

8 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

The impact of words in the printed press: 

1. Reading and discussion of the HuffPost article "Refugee crisis media coverage highlights importance of words and how they are used" (READING MATTERS TEXT 1); 

2. Preparing the discussion of three newspaper articles related to Front Page shocking images: (a) "Are newspapers correct to use such shocking images on their front pages?" (TEXT 2); (b) "Photo Editors' Notebook: What makes the image of Omran Daqneesh extraordinary?" (TEXT 3); (c) "Facebook back tracks to allow iconic Vietnam War photo of child napalm victims" (TEXT 4) - an email will be ent to all students with instructions for this assignment.

Checking enrollments. Getting to know the students.

6 Outubro 2020, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Checking whether students were correctly enrolled. Answering doubts about the programme and assessment criteria. Getting to know the students.