Feedback on writing test. End of the first semester.
18 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Feedback on writing test.
Discussion of READING MATTERS TEXTS 27-32.
11 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Discussion of the following texts: "The government's war on freedom of the press? (TEXT 27); "What happened to fear of the press" (TEXT 28); "Let's not give away the power of the press" (TEXT 29); "From Missouri to Syria, journalists are becoming targets" (TEXT 30); "A free press? I'm a UK journalist, but the police labelled me an extremist" (TEXT 31); and "Threat to journalists at highest level in 10 years, report says" (TEXT 32).
Individual press review. Reading Matters TEXTS 24, 25 and 26.
9 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Individual presentation: Your pick of stories - Ana Rodrigues.
Discussion of the following texts: "British law used to shush scandal has become one" (super injunctions) (TEXT 24); "Streisand Effect takes hold as Turkey bans Twitter" (TEXT 25); "What is the Streisand Effect?" (TEXT26).
TEXTS 27-32 will be discussed on December 11th.
Individual presentations: The week in review. Letters to the Editor.
4 Dezembro 2019, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Individual presentation: The week in review - your pick of stories: Maria Beatriz Rodrigues.