
Individual presentations: The week in review - your pick of stories.

13 Novembro 2019, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Individual presentations: The week in review - your pick of stories: (a) Rita Fernandes; (b) Klaudia Trzesniowska. Clearing doubts related to writing a short evidence-based editorial. 

Editorials continued: creating a short evidence-based editorial.

11 Novembro 2019, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Editorials continued: (1) Analysing the structure and contents of two editorials continued  -(a) TEXT 11: "Race and marijuana arrests" (New York Times) and TEXT 12: "Prison works ..." (The Independent); (2) Brainstorming topics for an evidence-based editorial; choosing the topic for your editorial; (3) Creating your own editorial: a step-by-step approach. HOMEWORK: Writing your own evidence-based editorial (assignment due on 18th November).

Vocabulary-expansion exercise. Individual presentations: The week in review - your pick of stories

6 Novembro 2019, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Vocabulary-expansion exercise based on Reading Matters Texts 5-10. Individual presentations: The week in review - your pick of stories: (a) Corine Martinelli; (b) Cristina Dabó; (c) Margarida Paz.

The popular press. Editorials continued.

4 Novembro 2019, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of READING MATTERS TEXTS 10 and 11 and the TED Talk "Does the media have a duty of care?"

Editorials continued: Analysing the structure of an editorial by looking at two examples of editorials - "Race and marijuana arrests" (The New York Times) (TEXT 12) and "Prison works: as a way to create more criminals and, as now, riots and disaster" (The Independent) (TEXT 13).

Analysing editorials.

30 Outubro 2019, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Working with British tabloids and quality newspapers: (a) analysing editorials (topics addressed; treatment of facts, emphasis, angle; political slant); (b) reporting to the class on one's findings (to be continued next lesson).

HOMEWORK: Discussion of READING MATTERS TEXTS 10 and 11 and the TED Talk "Does the media have a duty of care?" was postponed for Monday, 4th November.