
Online tutorial: recording and editing a podcast.

23 Março 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Podcast Project: Step 6 - Recording and editing a podcast.

Writing an outline of your podcast continued.

Discussion of a TED talk and two texts focusing on the popular press.

22 Março 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Discussion of David Puttnam's TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?" , "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (The Economist)  (TEXT 11) and "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12): students worked individually or in pair/groups and prepared an oral report on one of the questions already sent by email. Oral reports will be presented on Monday, 28th March. 

Oral presentations continued. A news feature. TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?"

21 Março 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Oral presentations continued: A Press Review - Your Pick of Stories - Tomás Vieira; Ana Beatriz Ramos.

A news feature by the Mail Online related to the story reported in TEXTs 9 and 10: "Supergran? No, I'm just a mad old woman ...".

Watching David Puttnam's TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?". 

Discussion of this TED talk and "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (TEXT 11) and "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (TEXT 12) will be done tomorrow.

Online tutorial: Write a podcast script.

16 Março 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Podcast Project: Step 5 - Write a script.

Comparing and contrasting two news stories about the same event as reported by a quality paper and a tabloid.

15 Março 2022, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Comparing and contrasting the language features and overall style of two news stories reporting the same event: TEXT 9 "Pride of Britain Awards 2011 ...", Daily Mirror; TEXT 10 - "Pensioner prevented jewellery raid ...", The Guardian; making judgements about the kind of audience the articles were written for.

HOMEWORK: Read READING MATTERS TEXTS 12 at home (sent by email). This text will be discussed next in-person class.