Preparing an oral report addressing a question about TEXTS 11 & 12 and Puttnam's TEDx talk.
17 Março 2021, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Preparing to discuss David Puttnam's TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?" , "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (The Economist) (TEXT 11) and "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12): students were grouped in threes in the Zoom breakout rooms and had to prepare an oral report on one of the questions already sent by email - this stage was finished today. Discussion will be done on Tuesday, 23rd March.
HOMEWORK: Vocabulary-expansion exercise sent by email.
Preparing an oral report addressing a question about TEXTS 11 & 12 and Puttnam's TEDx talk
16 Março 2021, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Discussion of David Puttnam's TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?" , "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (The Economist) (TEXT 11) and "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12): students were grouped in threes in the Zoom breakout rooms and had to prepare an oral report on one of the questions already sent by email (to be continued in tomorrow's class).
Students' individual oral presentations: The Week in Review.
11 Março 2021, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Students' individual oral presentations: The Week in Review (Inês Potier, Ana Heleno, and Pedro Martins).
HOMEWORK: Please read "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12) for Tuesday’s class on March 16.
REMINDER: Discussion of David Puttnam's TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?" , "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (The Economist) (TEXT 11) and "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12) will be started on Tuesday 16th March.
"The popular press. Life in the global gutter”. TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?"
10 Março 2021, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Reading and discussion of "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (The Economist) (TEXT 11).
Watching the TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?"
HOMEWORK: Please read "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12) for Tuesday’s class on March 16.
REMINDER: Discussion of David Puttnam's TEDx talk "Does the media have a duty of care?" , "The popular press. Life in the global gutter" (The Economist) (TEXT 11) and "Monitoring the popular press: an historical perspective" (History and Policy) (TEXT 12) will be started on Tuesday 16th March.
Comparing and contrasting two news stories as reported by a quality paper and a tabloid continued.
9 Março 2021, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Comparing and contrasting the language features and overall style of two news stories reporting on the same event continued: TEXT 9 "Pride of Britain Awards 2011 ...", Daily Mirror; TEXT 10 - "Pensioner prevented jewellery raid ...", The Guardian; making judgements about the kind of audience the articles were written for.