
Epistemic Injustice and The Talented Mr Ripley

21 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Finished screening of  The Talented Mr Ripley. 
Students submitted their questions based on the reading of Miranda Fricker's chapter on "Testimonial Injustice" and we briefly discussed the Introduction to her book Epistemic Injustice.
Student group analysed the film  The Talented Mr Ripley. in light of the visual literacy techniques entailed in  The Talented Mr Ripley and Fricker's presentation of the film as offering an example of testimonial injustice through the character of Marge.

Discussion of some of the students' questions.

Students have to read the chapter "Psychotherapy, Culture and Storytelling: How They fit Together" from John McLeod's Narrative and Psychotherapy for next class - they must bring at least one question based on their reading of this chapter for the next class. 

Discussion of set novels - technical points of film analysis - continued screening of "The Talented Mr. Ripley"

19 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Discussion of set novels Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Colm Toíbín's Nora Webster. 

Some students indicated their choice.

Discussion of technical points of film analysis - comparison of the lighting and wardrobe (especially of Tom and Marge) of the first 53 mns of TTMR and the following sequences.

Discussed the scenes that Miranda Fricker refers to in "Testimonial Injustice" - the chapter that will be discussed in the next class.

Reminded students that they must read this chapter for the nest class and bring at least one question on it.

Commerical summaries

14 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Reviewed commercial summaries and indicated how these differ from academic summaries.

Returned to Timothy Corrigan's chapter on film analysis to highlight points that students must look for when doing academic summaries.

Watched the first 52 minutes of The Talented Mr. Ripley - discussed foreshadowing in this section of the film.

Presentation and discussion of the terms and topics for film analysis and writing

12 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Student presentation of the chapter "Terms and topics for film analysis and writing" - class discussion of the themes presented in the chapter and tying these into work already done on visual literacy. 

Practice of Visual Literacy applied to film stills

7 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Discussion of students' preliminary visual literacy analysis and then progressed to connotative analysis.

Then gave students still from Silver linings Playbook and Still Alice to analyse. First students were divided into groups to apply the visual literacy techniques learned to their analysis of the still - then general class discussion of findings.

Also discussion of Jenifer Rubell's Installation Piece "Ivanka Vacuuming"