
Favourite verb tenses

24 Novembro 2015, 12:00 David Michael Greer

Back to basics with simple past and present perfect

identifying attitude in adverb + adjective collocations

24 Novembro 2015, 10:00 John Richard Walker

Using the Graham Greene short story "Mortmain" to identify adverb + adjective collocations for describing people

Identifying the attitude underlying the chosen collocation 

identifying attitude in collocations

24 Novembro 2015, 08:00 John Richard Walker

Using the Graham Greene short story "Mortmain" to identify adverb + adjective collocations for describing people

Identifying the attitude underlying the chosen collocation 

Rhome seminar

23 Novembro 2015, 12:00 Zuzanna Zarebska

Rhome: Representations of Home seminar: speakers Zuzanna Sanches and Gues-s Ana Raquel Fernandes (CEAUL). "Fantasy and Art in literature"

USA Class 4

23 Novembro 2015, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Final class on US history. Going from Abraham Lincoln and Federal intervention on state governments to American expansion, the theory of Manifest Destiny and the current situation where US foreign policy is often seen as policing the world.