
Reading and analysis of "The Rosie Project"

8 Abril 2019, 08:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Students' presentation of their analysis of central aspects in The Rosie Project.

Check Tweets

4 Abril 2019, 14:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

Check the tweet response from Donald J. Trump.

Test criteria review.

Reading of "The Rosie Project"

3 Abril 2019, 12:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Students' analysis of The Rosie Project

NB: The Research Project Presentations Calendar has been posted in e-learning.

Expository Writing

3 Abril 2019, 10:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students were introduced to the basics of expository writing and listed the many, many types of expository writing.  Those who missed class should look at the expository writing section of their course book to get an idea of what they missed.

We then analyzed an expository piece entitled Wonder Woman: Carrying the Weight of the World (an opinion piece that would be appropriate for a magazine column or online blog, for example).  During our analysis we identified the following characteristics that are essential for successful expository writing:

  • First paragraph: a clear thesis statement or question at the end of the first paragraph, which has the double function of acting as a suitable conclusion to the introductory paragraph, and of introducing the theme or topic of the piece;
  • Second paragraph: an appropriate opening sentence that has the double function of addressing what was said in the previous paragraph while introducing the point that is going to be discussed in the current one;
  • Third, Fourth, Fifth (etc.) paragraphs: repeat the previous step.
  • Final Paragraph: the conclusion, which should reiterate the thesis (or answer the question) of the opening paragraph but a little something more.
In other words, the piece needs to be so clear, coherent and concise that it FLOWS from one idea to the next.  We cannot just have random points hanging in mid-air in a text, each one disconnected to the other.  This is the challenge for our students and it needs to be addressed.

Students were then taught how to brainstorm ideas for thesis statements/essay questions.

Students then got into groups with students who are doing the same short story from the Joyce Carol Oates anthology and brainstormed ideas for thesis statements/essay questions.

Students were then taught how to brainstorm ideas/points to be explored in their essays, ranking these from strongest to weakest and numbering their order (strongest argument left for last, second strongest argument to appear right after the introductory paragraph).

Next class: students will formally complete their thesis statements (one per student or per group for those who are doing their oral examination in a group) and will use any other time organizing their arguments.  The teacher will model an oral presentation presenting a thesis on Joyce Carol Oates' short story Small Avalanches.  For those who cannot make it to class, this oral will be recorded and the recording along with the PowerPoint will be emailed to the class as a whole for future reference and guidance.

Reading of "The Rosie Project"

3 Abril 2019, 08:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Students' analysis of The Rosie Project

NB: The Research Project Presentations Calendar has been posted in e-learning.