
Lesson 13

29 Outubro 2020, 17:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Norwegian sugar tax sends sweet-lovers over border to Sweden" (pp. 92-95)

- "How to live to be 100+" - a TED talk (

read "The Cranes" (pp. 96-100)

Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen compared

29 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Gaile Parkin

Discussion about first impressions of Leonard Cohen's songs.

Similarities and differences between Dylan and Cohen.

Guidelines for the submission of the Research Project Proposal

29 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

A written Research Project Proposal (as illustrated in the sample on pp. 9-10) is due on 10 November. Submit your RPP (as a Word document) on Moodle.

See the Guidelines for Research Projects on pp. 7-8.

Ramona J. Smith Tips

29 Outubro 2020, 11:00 David Michael Greer

Ramona J. Smith: 5 tips for good public speaking. Can we find them in Furness? Group feedback

Lesson 13

28 Outubro 2020, 17:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Norwegian sugar tax sends sweet-lovers over border to Sweden" (pp. 92-95)

- "How to live to be 100+" - a TED talk (

read "The Cranes" (pp. 96-100)