
Canada - its geography, political structure and cultural outlook

20 Setembro 2017, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

A presentation of Canada's geography, political system and demographic development from indiginous population to colonisation and emigration.

In the context of presenting an introduction to Canadian's attitudes we viewed and discussed of the section of Michael Moore's documentary Bowling for Columbine on "Canada vs the US" and brief snippets of official videos on emigrating to Canada. 

We also read the article in the manual on the residental schools for First Nations children - manual 5-10; 22-23.

Read 19-21 at home

Presentation of Course Programme

18 Setembro 2017, 10:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Presentation of Course Programme and Evaluation Criteria. 


Geography and political organization: Canada’s physical structure and political system;

History: from the beginnings to the present day situation – however emphasis will be placed on the period from 16th – 21st centuries;

Analysis of artistic production: literature, cinema, photography and music. Literary texts (short stories and poetry) will be read and analyzed in light of Post-Colonial (Moss 2003), Survival (Atwood 2004) and Bio-text (Saul, 2006) theories;

Presentation and discussion of recent political and cultural approaches towards First Nations and New-Canadians.

Evaluation: As this CU is taught in English class oral presentations must be made in English – content, communication and fluency will be more important than grammatical accuracy. Written evaluations may be presented in English or Portuguese.

Written test: 40% 10th January

Research Paper: 40%. This will be a 2,000 - 2,500 word original research essay on an aspect of Canadian literature, history or culture (30%). Six weeks prior to the submission date, students will present a 250-word abstract with their thesis idea and theoretical framework (10%). 13th December

Class Participation: 20% Discussion of prescribed reading and general participation. Presence without participation will not count.