
Final written assignement.

2 Junho 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

Final written assignement.

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world. (4)

31 Maio 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world.

Political, social and economic patterns in the Portuguese Atlantic world (conclusion). What did it mean to be "Portuguese" in the 17th-18th centuries? Migration, diasporas and Portuguese identity: the case of the Sephardic jews in the Atlantic. The impact of male migration in maritime communities.


ISRAEL, Jonathan Irvine, European Jewry in the age of mercantilism, 1550-1750, 3rd ed., Oxford, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1998;

RUSSELL‑WOOD, A. J. R., A World on the Move: The Portuguese in Africa, Asia, and America, 1415‑1808, Manchester, Carcanet‑Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1992;

STUDNICKI-GIZBER, Daviken, A Nation Upon the Ocean Sea: Portugal's Atlantic Diaspora and the Crisis of the Spanish Empire, 1492-1640, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008;

THORNTON, John K., A cultural history of the Atlantic World, 1250-1820, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012.

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world. (3)

26 Maio 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world.

Gold in the Portuguese Atlantic world (conclusion). The crisis of the mid-18th century and the revival of the Portuguese ocenaic trade at the turning of the century.

Political, social and economic patterns in the Portuguese Atlantic world.


BETHENCOURT, Francisco; CURTO, Diogo Ramada (eds.), Portuguese Oceanic Expansion, 1400-1800, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007;

PAQUETTE, Gabriel B., Imperial Portugal in the age of Atlantic revolutions: the Luso-Brazilian world, c. 1770-1850, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world. (2)

24 Maio 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world.

Madeira and the Azores in Atlantic trading circuits: wheat, sugar and wine (Madeira); wheat, corn, wine and spirits (Azores). The wine from Madeira as an Atlantic commodity. The role of the Italian merchants and bankers in the sugar economy and of the English merchants in the wine trade.

The Companhia Geral do Comércio do Brasil and the restrictions to Portuguese trade with Brazil in the 17th-18th centuries.  The Portuguese fleet system.

Gold in the Portuguese Atlantic world.


BETHELL, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987;

DISNEY, A. R., A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire. From Beginnings to 1807, vol. 2: The Portuguese Empire, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009;

DUNCAN, T. Bentley, Atlantic Islands. Madeira, the Azores and the Cape Verdes in Seventeenth-Century Commerce and Navigation, "Studies in the History of Discoveries", Chicago-London, The Chicago University Press, 1972;

FISHER, H. E. S., The Portugal trade: a study of Anglo-Portuguese commmerce, 1700-1770, London, Methuen, 1971;

HANCOCK, David, Oceans of wine: Madeira and the emergence of American trade and taste, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2009;

SOUSA, Rita Martins de, "Brazilian Gold and the Lisbon Mint House (1720–1807)", e-Journal of Portuguese History, vol. 6, number 1, Summer 2008 [on line].

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world.

19 Maio 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

5. People, commodities and identities in the making of the Portuguese Atlantic world.

A small kingdom and a big empire: Portuguese population in the 15th-18th centuries; the Portuguese overseas expansion as a migration process. The problem of the statistical sources.

Trade in the Portuguese Atlantic world: local trade, regional trade and oceanic trade. Small harbors and port-cities; trade in the Mediterranean Atlantic.


CURTIN, Philip D., The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex. Essays in Atlantic History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990;

DUNCAN, T. Bentley, Atlantic Islands. Madeira, the Azores and the Cape Verdes in Seventeenth-Century Commerce and Navigation, "Studies in the History of Discoveries", Chicago-London, The Chicago University Press, 1972;

ENGERMAN, Stanley L.; NEVES, João César das, "The Bricks of an Empire 1415-1999: 585 years of Portuguese emigration", The journal of european economic history, vol. 26, n.º 3, 1997, pp. 471-510;

RUSSELL‑WOOD, A. J. R., A World on the Move: The Portuguese in Africa, Asia, and America, 1415‑1808, Manchester, Carcanet‑Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1992.