
Evolution of archipelagos creole societies. Lançados mediators in Guinea of Cape Verde

21 Abril 2016, 14:00 José Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta

Consequencies of the Atlantic routes evolution to the archipelagos creole societies (Cape Verde — Upper Guinea Coast; S. Tomé — the gulf of Guinea and West Central Africa)

The Historical and geographical background of Upper Guinea Coast/Guinea of Cape Verde. Lançados and Luso-Africans as mediators of the Atlantic trade; patters of relationship with the African landlords.

Mandatory readings:

A. A. de Almada, Brief Treatise (excerpt)

Disney, 2, pp. 45-49, 49-56, 56-65 

Models of relationship. The complementarity islands-coast

19 Abril 2016, 14:00 José Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta

Cape Verde and S. Tomé: environment and the circulation of people, plants and material culture.

Goals and models of Afro-Portuguese relationship, from Arguim to Mina (and the gulf of Guinea). The case of Guinea of Cape Verde and the role of Lançados/Tangomaus.

The complementarity between the islands and the African coast: the evolution of trade routes: the case of Cape Verde.

Mandatory readings:

André Donelha, Descrição (excerpt).

Disney, A History..., 2, pp. 45-49, 49-56, 56-65 


Geopolitical visions of the South Atlantic. Portuguese and Africans in Cape Verde and S. Tomé

14 Abril 2016, 14:00 José Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta

Portuguese voyages in the time of John II: geopolitical visions of the South Atlantic.

Portuguese and Africans in Cape Verde and S. Tomé: a comparative approach.

Mandatory readings:
Newitt (ed.), Portuguese in West Africa, doc. 14, p. 63-65

Disney, A History..., 2, pp. 33-39, 101-115.

The Western African context and the new strategy for explorations and trade, second half of 15th century

12 Abril 2016, 14:00 José Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta

The African context south of Senegal river and the failure of the warlike strategy of Portuguese explorations in the middle 1440's. The transition to a second phase: trade and diplomatic encounters. The Crown, with John II, steadily controls the Guinea Coast affairs. The founding of castle of S. Jorge da Mina (Elmina). 
Mandatory readings:

Newitt (ed.), The Portuguese in West Africa, doc. 9 and 22
Disney, A History..., 2, chap. 16
Chronology of African Atlantic maritime explorations (delivered in class)

Travels and encounters on the Guinea Coast in the time of Prince Henrique

7 Abril 2016, 14:00 José Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta

Travels on the Guinea Coast in the time of Prince Henrique. The first encounters on Mauritania and Upper Guinea Coasts.

Mandatory readings: 

M. Newitt, The Portuguese in West Africa, docs. 8-9
A. Disney, A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire, vol. 2, chap. 16