
Portuguese images of Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africans

5 Abril 2016, 14:00 José Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta

Portuguese images of Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africans: from mediaeval images to contacts

D. Henrique.

31 Março 2016, 14:00 Francisco Contente Domingues

O Infante D. Henrique e os Descobrimentos. As ilhas atlânticas.

Não houve aula

29 Março 2016, 14:00 Francisco Contente Domingues

Não houve aula: o docente encontrou a porta da sala fechada à chave e só apareceram dois alunos c. das 14,30, altura a partir da qual deixou de estar à espera...

Morocco and the Atlantic islands: conquest and settlement. (2)

17 Março 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

Morocco and the Atlantic islands: conquest and settlement.

The Portuguese in Morocco from Manuel I to the battle of Al-Ksar al-Kabir (1578). The Sadian sharifs' jihad, large-scale warfare and Portugal's more defensive posture. War, treasure and supplies: the wheat-supply problem; Andalusian and Azorean wheat as a major resorce for the Portuguese strongholds. The Portuguese fortresses as frontiers.


DUNCAN, T. Bentley, Atlantic Islands. Madeira, the Azores and the Cape Verdes in Seventeenth-Century Commerce and Navigation, Chicago-London, The Chicago University Press, 1972;

RICARD, Robert, Études sur l'histoire des Portugais au Maroc, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, 1955.

Morocco and the Atlantic islands: conquest and settlement. (1)

15 Março 2016, 14:00 José Damião Rodrigues

Morocco and the Atlantic islands: conquest and settlement.

Conquest and settlement: the two paths of Portuguese expansion in the 15th century. Northern Africa as a geographical and political extension of the Iberian Peninsula. Frontier and frontier societies in the Iberian medieval Christian kingdoms. Portuguese expansion into North Africa: from John I to John II. Portuguese settlement in the Atlantic islands.


DISNEY, A. R., A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire. From Beginnings to 1807, vol. 2: The Portuguese Empire, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 1-26.

WINIUS, George D. (ed.), Portugal, The Pathfinder: Journeys from the Medieval toward the Modern World 1300-ca. 1600, Madison, The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1995.