Likeness, execution and verisimilitude
25 Novembro 2022, 17:00 • Joana Matos Frias
Aristotle's argument on the major importance of a fine artistical execution. Poetry's universal and philosophical value as opposed to History's boundaries. The poet as inventor of real events and characters (with special reference to Fernando Pessoa's poem "Autopsychography").
Entrega e correcção do exercício de avaliação
25 Novembro 2022, 14:00 • Rita Patrício
Discussão dos cenários de resposta possíveis ao primeiro teste de avaliação. Entrega dos exercícios de avaliação.
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello
24 Novembro 2022, 17:00 • Ângela Fernandes
and commentary of Six Characters in search of an Author, by Luigi
Pirandello, and its dramatic sequence: the theatre company and the rehearsal; the
arrival of the Characters, and the progressive revelation of their family and
artistic “drama”; the staging of the family “drama” by Characters and Actors,
and their discussions about the “truth” of art and life.
Colóquio Internacional "Ibéricas"
24 Novembro 2022, 09:30 • Santiago Perez Isasi
Sessão substituida pela presença na sessão sobre "escritoras ibéricas" do colóquio "Ibéricas - Mulheres e mediação cultural no espaço peninsular" (23-25 de Novembro) organizado pelo projecto DIIA - Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos do Centro de Estudos Comparatistas
Reading assignment
22 Novembro 2022, 17:00 • Joana Matos Frias
Due to a work trip, students have been assigned to read two short stories by Edgar A. Poe and Oscar Wilde.