
Class 15

11 Abril 2016, 12:00 Nicholas John Csargo

Two students presented today on two different cultural artifacts; one was a current event discussing the psychology behind conspiracy theories, common conspiracy theories in the English speaking world, and theories once thought to be false that have been proven true. Students discussed their thoughts on the topic as well as any Portuguese conspiracy theories.  The next artifact was on a film entitled "The True Cost" which discussed the exploitation of workers in undeveloped countries for the sake of fashion.

Students were then given a lecture on the cost of higher education in the U.S. and discussed the rising student debt problem among American college students.  Students examined facts and figures regarding the student debt crisis and made comparisons between the U.S. and Portugal in this regard.

Class 14

6 Abril 2016, 12:00 Nicholas John Csargo

Three students presented on three different cultural artifacts.  The first artifact examined was Whitman's "Oh Captain, My Captain" the poem itself was read and examined and the historical significance of the work was discussed.  The next presentation was on a cultural artifact "Scars to your Beautiful" a song by Alessia Cara, a young English language singer.  The song discussed eating disorders and the propagation of negative body image by both American and Portuguese cultures, and western culture in general.  Lastly our Erasmus student Patricija presented on an English language blog about her country, Solvenia and how travel blogging in English has become a viable industry that anyone can partake in.

Class 13

4 Abril 2016, 12:00 Nicholas John Csargo

Students lesson on the American dream was concluded through an instructor presentation on the cultural hybridity, diverse ancestry, and history of immigration to the United States.  The grammar point of sentence transitions was further examined.

Class 12

30 Março 2016, 12:00 Nicholas John Csargo

Students were given a lecture on the origins of the American dream and it's current state.  They then examined some passages from "The Great Gatsby," Ftizgerald's critique of the American dream, and how and why Fitzgerald was skeptical of this concept. The grammar concept of sentence transitions was discussed and a student presented on a song cultural artifact, "Bittersweet Symphony," and discussed how this song reflects the current "rat-race" mentality common to our modern western culture.

Class 11

28 Março 2016, 12:00 Nicholas John Csargo

Students were introduced to the The American Dream and discussed prior knowledge and conceptions or misconceptions about what they believed it was.  A student then presented on the film "12 Angry Men" and explained the historical context and major themes of the film.  We then discussed the differences between the legal system in the U.S. and Portugal.  Another student presented on the cultural artifact of St. Patrick's day as a Holiday (a current event).  The student focused on the American adoption of this holiday, how it is celebrated in the U.S., and how it has spread throughout the world.  Students discussed the holiday, the reasons for its dissemination, and any Portuguese equivalents.