
Discussion of students' novels and ideas for abstracts

3 Novembro 2022, 18:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Students discussed the novels they had read in groups and presented their findings to the group.

They also asked questions about their abstracts

Writing abstracts and review of corrections

27 Outubro 2022, 18:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Instuctions on abstract writing in preparation for students' submissions.

Review of general linguistic mistakes in students essays
Review of individual corrections with students.

Continuation of Casablanca

25 Outubro 2022, 18:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Continuation of Casablanca - discussion of Holland's analysis

Discussion of students' free associative film analysis texts - from the perspective of structure. 

Introduction to free associative film analysis + language work

20 Outubro 2022, 18:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Language work - presented sentences with common grammatical mistakes found in students' essay. 

Discussed the sentences and corrected the mistakes with students.

Introduction to free associative film analysis:
Students had read the preface to Norman Holland's Meeting Movies where he presents the concept of free associative film analysis and they had also read the first pages of his free associative analysis of Casablanca
We discussed both texts and students' questions about this - we then watched the first 30 mins of the film.
I had asked students to select an element of the film that spoke to them - they did this and performed a 5-minute free writing exercise from a prompt they wrote that identified the scene for them. They will then expand rationally on this writing over the weekend from the stepping off point that they think is most appropriate. This is to give them some practice of free associative film analysis. 

Viewing of sections from George Cuckor's Gaslight to exemplify how the arts can act as tools of hermeneutical justice

18 Outubro 2022, 18:30 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Viewing of sections from George Cuckor's Gaslight to exemplify how the arts can act as tools of hermeneutical justice.

Students had to look for socio-cultural elements: they had to consider how Gregory set the scenario to sucessfully subject Paula to psychological manipulation.

They also had to consider the cinematic elements that were at play to tell (and foretell) the story visually using cinematic mise-en-scene and sound and picture editing.