

26 Março 2021, 15:30 Thomas Joe Grigg

more sample papers plus verb tense review

Conspiracy Theories

26 Março 2021, 11:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Students gave presentations on different conspiracy theories. 

Paul Torday's Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

25 Março 2021, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we  went on to discuss Salmon Fishing in the Yemen by Paul Torday.

The story in Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is a story told through an unusual convention: the novel is literally a fictitious government file consisting of diary entries, emails, newspaper articles, official government interviews/interrogations, personal letters, a script for a tv show, a BBC interview, etc.  All of the documents included in the 'file' tell the story of how a Yemeni sheikh wants to introduce salmon fishing into the Yemen and how Alfred Jones, a British civil servant and scientist, and Harriet Chetwode Talbot, a British solicitor do their best to help him to make this dream a reality.  As the experiment fails in tragedy, the government opens up an investigation into the event.

Next class: we will look at/analyze the characters in the novel:
  • Fred
  • Mary
  • Harriet
  • the Sheikh
  • Jay Vent
  • Peter Maxwell

Class cancelled

24 Março 2021, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Class was cancelled today due to the teacher being ill.

sample papers

24 Março 2021, 15:30 Thomas Joe Grigg

APA sample papers