Correction of written test
10 Dezembro 2018, 10:00 • Cecília Maria Beecher Martins
Returned written test to students and discussed corrections - did exercises to demonstrate and correct errors
"First Sense' by Nadine Gordimer
10 Dezembro 2018, 08:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
Giving back writing assignments and providing feedback.
Watching and discussing an interview with Nadine Gordimer and 'Tribute to Nadine Gordimer'.
Discussing "First Sense' by Nadine Gordimer.
"Through the tunnel" by Doris Lessing
5 Dezembro 2018, 14:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
Discussing "Through the tunnel" by Doris Lessing.
Watching and discussing "A tribute to Doris Lessing' and "On not winning the Nobel prize".
Writing and speaking exercise based on close reading of a literary text
5 Dezembro 2018, 10:00 • Cecília Maria Beecher Martins
The class was broken into groups. Students who had prepared a written close reading analysis, taken from their set novel,led their colleagues in a close reading of that text and then presented the results of their own work together with additions made by colleagues.