The structure and verb tenses of narrative texts
21 Novembro 2018, 10:00 • Cecília Maria Beecher Martins
Finished the screening of Cuker's
Gaslight and discussion of the theme presented in the previous class.
Preparing for the debate. Introducing Alice Munro
21 Novembro 2018, 08:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
Students prepared the second round of debates.
Watching "Alice Munro in her own words", an interview with the Canadian Nobel prize winner .Watching "Women who changed the world" about female Nobel Prize winners.
Mock Essay peer-review
19 Novembro 2018, 16:00 • Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim
Writing activity
19 Novembro 2018, 14:00 • EDUARDA MELO CABRITA
Writing activity on The Guardian Brexit shorts.
Choosing the motion for the second debate.
The arts providing the vocabulary that can permit discussion of hidden or uncharted themes
19 Novembro 2018, 10:00 • Cecília Maria Beecher Martins
This semester the three books selected for discussion all deal with themes of central relevance to contemporary society - migration, displacement, dealing with war and conflict, the rise and consequences of populism to mention but a few. However, because the novels are fictional, they permit exploring avenues that factual texts would not allow. In their oral presentations students pursued these avenues and it was a very powerful exercise.