Essay writing
6 Março 2017, 08:00 • Lili Cavalheiro
Essay writing - register and structure of argumentative essay
Playing with....
2 Março 2017, 14:00 • Zuzanna Zarebska
Shoer story reading: Playing with by Geoff Dyer. Working with past tenses and different conditionals. Revision and practice of conditionals I, II, III.Student's presentation "What makes us human?"
Descriptive Writing - Part 4
2 Março 2017, 10:00 • Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio
Students continued to prepare their Descriptive Writing Presentations.
Three groups presented today - the remaining three will present next class.
The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
1 Março 2017, 16:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
Introduction to the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra project (see videos in E-learning).
The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
1 Março 2017, 14:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
Introduction to the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra project (see videos in E-learning).