
Final Test Preparation and AOB

25 Maio 2017, 10:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

The upcoming exam will consist of the following sections:

Section 1: Grammar

  • As the mid-term had loads of grammar, the only thing that we will be looking at in the final test is MAKE VS. DO (i.e. 'fazer').  Please make sure that these are conjugated correctly, i.e. are in the right form.

Section 2: Comprehension

  • This will be a text that students have not previously seen with multiple-choice questions.

  • ADVICE: READ the QUESTIONS - only then can you answer them properly.

Section 3: Composition

  • The composition will be 250-300 words - no one will lose marks for writing too much, but you will lose marks if you write too little.

  • You must write ONE composition only.

  • You will choose from the following:

    • a descriptive and/or narrative piece based on one or more of the images displayed on the test and on the projector;

    • a persuasive piece;

    • an expository piece based on the novel (Me Talk Pretty One Day).

  • It is absolutely fundamental that you answer the question of your choice - e.g. it should be clear which picture/s you have chosen, should you choose the first option.  If the second option is 'Persuade me to vote for you in an upcoming election', I don't want you to persuade me to give you my money for some charity.  Not answering the question will result in a massive '0'.

Students may bring a dictionary.

Students should bring the novel just in case you decide to choose the expository piece.


The teacher then went on to give sentences in Portuguese that contained the verb 'fazer' - students then would translate either using 'make' or 'do' (which was, I must say, rather fun).


Students' oral presentations

24 Maio 2017, 16:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Peer critique and teacher's feedback.

Students' oral presentations

24 Maio 2017, 14:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Peer critique and teacher's feedback.

Oral presentations

24 Maio 2017, 10:00 Lili Cavalheiro

Oral presentations.

Oral presentations

24 Maio 2017, 08:00 Lili Cavalheiro

Oral presentations.