
class cancelled

10 Outubro 2019, 08:00 Tânia Joesephine Gregg Lopes da Silva

An extra class towards the end of the semester will be offered to students to compensate

writing practice

9 Outubro 2019, 16:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

5-paragraph essay practice.

Interview with Native American author Sherman Alexie.

9 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Summing up main points made about Native Americans in (a) Angelou’s poem “On the pulse of the morning” and (b) Jaune Quick-to-See Smith's painting “Modern Times”.

Watching an interview with American Indian author Sherman Alexie and completing a short summary of main ideas; discussing Alexie's views on being a Native American and growing up on a reservation.

HOMEWORK: Read the short story “Tony’s story” by Leslie Marmon Silko (pp.17-29).

Descriptive Writing Continued...

9 Outubro 2019, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP3 carried on learning about Descriptive Writing and improving their vocabulary by analyzing extracts from the following texts: 

  • Barbara Willard's The Sprig of Bloom
  • Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol
  • Tom Wolfe's The Bonfire of the Vanities
  • Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace
The class then got into groups to analyze extracts from Virginia Woolfe's diaries and Sylvia Plath's journals and two poems by Anne Michaels.

Next class: students will continue to analyze their texts in order to present them to the class.

Essay Writing Techniques: The Body

8 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

Essay Writing Techniques: The Thesis Paragraph. In-class exercise.

Developing the Body
- Structure: Supporting paragraphs (Topic sentence; supporting sentences)