
Model Oral Presentation and Essay

27 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today the teacher presented her model oral presentation on Joyce Carol Oates's short story Small Avalanches and then showed the class her model essay on the same.  Students will be emailed the PowerPoint and voice recording of the oral presentation and a Word document of the essay.  Hopefully this will help students to better understand what is expected of them in the upcoming test and oral presentations.

Lecture: Lucy Caldwell

26 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

Lecture with Lucy Caldwell 

Test feedback and rewrite

25 Novembro 2019, 16:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

2nd written test feedback and rewrite

"Khwab" by Michael Hyde. "Good advice is rarer than rubies" by Salman Rushdie. Feedback on first test.

25 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Feedback on first written test. Speaking about the differences in use between 'this/this/these & that/those'; 'it' vs 'this'; 'as if' vs 'as'.

"Khwab" by Michael Hyde.: a poem about India. Reading and discussion of the short story "Good advice is rarer than rubies" by Salman Rushdie.
HOMEWORK: Finish reading the short story at home and answer the questions about it on page 83.

End-of-term Written Test - Part 1

25 Novembro 2019, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP3 carried out Part 1 of their end-of-term written test.  The next four classes will consist of students presenting their papers on Small Avalanches and Other Stories.  The last day of term, students will write the final version of their end-of-term written test, which will be the second draft of their essay.