
Lecture 12: Knowledge and knowledge structures: Legitimation code theory.

29 Abril 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

Legitimation Code Theory. Disciplines as Knowledge-knower structures. Knowledge structures and knower structures. Legitimation code theory and systemic functional linguistics. Texts as artifacts and as specimens.

Workshop 10: Tutorial

24 Abril 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

Class entirely devoted to the discussion of issues related to both the group essay assignment and the final test. 

Workshop 10: Tutorial

24 Abril 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

Class entirely devoted to the discussion of issues related to both the group essay assignment and the final test. 

Lecture 11: Cohesion and thematic development.

15 Abril 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

The expression of textual meaning and the construction of mode in Register. Cohesion and Thematic development. Types of cohesion. Thematic structures and thematic development. 

Lecture 11: Cohesion and thematic development.

15 Abril 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

The expression of textual meaning and the construction of mode in Register. Cohesion and Thematic development. Types of cohesion. Thematic structures and thematic development.