
Lecture 8: Genre and knowledge structures

25 Março 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

Genres as borders of our social life and as recurrent configurations of meaning. Hierarchical knowledge structures and horizontal knowledge structures. The notion of semantic gravity.

Lecture 8: Genre and knowledge structures

25 Março 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

Genres as borders of our social life and as recurrent configurations of meaning. Hierarchical knowledge structures and horizontal knowledge structures. The notion of semantic gravity.

Workshop 6: text production

20 Março 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

Joint construction of the review genre. Review of Eggins, S. & Martin, J. R. (1997). Genres and registers of discourse. In T. A. van Dijk (Ed.), Discourse as structure and process. Discourse studies: A multidisciplinary introduction, Volume 1(pp. 230-256). London: Sage.

Workshop 6: text production

20 Março 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

Joint construction of the review genre. Review of Eggins, S. & Martin, J. R. (1997). Genres and registers of discourse. In T. A. van Dijk (Ed.), Discourse as structure and process. Discourse studies: A multidisciplinary introduction, Volume 1(pp. 230-256). London: Sage.

Lecture 7: Mapping the genres of school

18 Março 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

Genres as linguistic processes in sociocultural practice. A cartography of the genres in school/academia based on purpose. Mapping of 22 specific genres of different school subjects.