
Workshop 8: text production

3 Abril 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

Revision of the argument/ exposition jointly constructed during the last workshop. Joint construction of a Descriptive Report on Genre.

Lecture 9: Grammatical Metaphor

1 Abril 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

The notion of Grammatical Metaphor (GM). The relationship between congruent and metaphoric constructions. Types of GM. The use of GM in the cultural, by the individual, in an text instance.

Lecture 9: Grammatical Metaphor

1 Abril 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

The notion of Grammatical Metaphor (GM). The relationship between congruent and metaphoric constructions. Types of GM. The use of GM in the cultural, by the individual, in an text instance.

Workshop 7: text production

27 Março 2019, 12:00 Carlos Gouveia

Revision of the text jointly constructed during the last workshop. Joint construction of an argument/ exposition defending the need to develop text analysis and practice text production at the university level.

Workshop 7: text production

27 Março 2019, 10:00 Carlos Gouveia

Revision of the text jointly constructed during the last workshop. Joint construction of an argument/ exposition defending the need to develop text analysis and practice text production at the university level.