
Aula 12 - Comunicação Social

23 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Silvia Valencich Frota

Debate sobre o poder dos media e as teorias dos efeitos. Exibição de vídeo sobre a teoria de Chomsky (projeto "Media Theorised", da Al Jazeera).

The audiences (1) (cont.)

22 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Fernanda Pratas

In today's class we continued to talk about the sociological studies which focus on the audiences rather than on the media companies and workers.We finished a brief approach ot a wide area of these studies known as "uses and gratifications".

In the beginning of the class some specific advice was given regarding the required details for the assessment essay, namely the need for the students to ground well their arguments in the discussion of the topic (e.g. with reference to facts and studies, always pointing out their sources), rather than just give a personal opinion.

Cultura de massa

22 Outubro 2019, 08:00 Jorge Alexandre Loureiro Pinto

1. Conclusão da apresentação dos trabalhos realizados sobre o texto.

     "A Indústria Cultural: o esclarecimento como mistificação das massas", adaptado de Max Horkheimer e Theodor W. Adorno (1947/1985).

2. Audição da canção “Parque industrial”, de Tom Zé, e análise da letra, tendo em conta os seguintes temas: sociedade industrial, consumo, cultura de massa, meios de comunicação de massa, indústria cultural.

Aula 11 - Comunicação Social

21 Outubro 2019, 10:00 Silvia Valencich Frota

Debate em sala de aula sobre o texto de Giddens (cf. antologia).

The audiences (1)

17 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Fernanda Pratas

In today's class we started talking about the sociological studies which focus on the audiences rather than on the media companies and workers.The first area of these studies is known as "uses and gratifications", which will occupy two or three classes.
The students also provided their responses to the questions: 

why do people use the more traditional media (tv, newspapers – even online – radio, etc.)

what do they get from this use?