
Continuação da análise iniciada na aula anterior

16 Fevereiro 2023, 15:30 Margarida Madureira

Língua, variações e construção identitária: Bernardo Soares, Livro do Desassossego (excerto) e Gastão Cruz, “A minha pátria”

Roger Kimball and the canon

15 Fevereiro 2023, 15:30 Zuzanna Zarebska

The very notion that a traditional humanistic education could be spiritually enriching and intellectually liberating is typically greeted with a mixture of irony and disdain.
Much attention in particular has been devoted to the question of the literary canon: its origins, its composition, and the desirability of preserving the values and traditions it embodies. It was to such matters, for example, that Yale University’s Whitney Humanities Center lately devoted a remarkable public symposium called “Literary Theory and the Curriculum”
some rather silly etymological speculations on the relation between the terms “canon” and “cannon,” concluding ominously that “Where the Empire went, the cannon and the Canon went too.”

What is particularly depressing about such spectacles is the thought that, far from being atypical, they represent the dominant current of opinion in our most prestigious institutions of higher education. Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Brown—the company is nothing if not renowned. That these men and women should be so blithely prepared to jettison the tradition and intellectual principles that have nourished and given meaning to their disciplines is indeed a sobering thought—as is the realization that these same men and women hold positions of considerable power and influence in the colleges and universities that are charged with educating our young. Their cynicism, devotion to shallow intellectual fashion, and unthinking acceptance of radical politics make it easy to wonder, with Allan Bloom, whether “there is either the wherewithal or the energy within the university to constitute or reconstitute the idea of an educated human being and establish a liberal education again.” There is little support for optimism.

Continuação James Joyce, “The Dead” (1914) [Drive]

15 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Maria Forjaz de Sampaio Sequeira Mendes

Continuação James Joyce, “The Dead” (1914) [Drive]

Reflexividade poética e identidade(e)

14 Fevereiro 2023, 15:30 Margarida Madureira

Concepções divergentes do que é a literatura: R. Jakobson (literariedade, função poética), V. Šklovskij (estranhamento) e J. Tynianov (facto literatura, evolução literária).
Língua, variações e construção de identidades: “Minha pátria (não) é a (minha) língua portuguesa”.
Textos em análise
  • Olavo Bilac, “Língua Portuguesa”
  • Bernardo Soares, Livro do Desassossego (excerto)
  • Gastão Cruz, “A minha pátria”
  • Caetano Veloso, “Língua” (

Modos e géneros: o caso da écloga quinhentista.

14 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Patrícia Soares Martins

Tópicas e motivos da pastoral e sua retomada variante na  écloga de quinhentista. Leitura da primeira parte da écloga de Jano e Franco de Bernardim Ribeiro. 
Leitura de um poema de Carlos de Oliveira: "Rebanho" de Pastoral (1976)