
A noção de literatura

31 Janeiro 2023, 08:00 Patrícia Soares Martins

O conceito de mimese na Antiguidade e a sua reformulação no século VIII em função da noção de belo (Todorov, 1984).

Leitura de um passo da Poética de Aristóteles ( sobre a mimese ) e de um texto de Diderot ( sobre a imitação artística subordinada ao conceito de belo ).

Leitura do soneto de Sá de Miranda "O sol é grande, caem co'a calma as aves" citado no poema de Ruy Belo "A minha tarde".

As I Lay Dying by Éilís Ní Dhuibhne

30 Janeiro 2023, 15:30 Zuzanna Zarebska

In “As I Lay Dying” a lifelong family conflict between two sisters is explained. The narrative surprises us with the opening statement “I sometimes imagine that I am dying” (166), only to have the reader witness a moment of transformation of reality into a fantasy of life after death. The narrator, whom we believe to be bedridden and dying, sees herself surrounded by relatives in her final attempt at making peace with those she has become estranged from, especially her sister. 

The drama escalated from the killing of a family cat into a lifelong estrangement. However, the story has different sides to it and whereas one refers to a family conflict, the other is a fantasy on trespassing the fine line between life and death. What is the metamorphosis that we are witnessing? Is she alive or hallucinating?

The narrator transcends the life and death divide, so that we find ourselves asking whether or not she does die in front of our eyes, even though she herself is certain that it is not her day since she has managed to eat “some Consommé” (178).  Her death bed is now a place of quiet becoming, healing family trauma and “going home”. In a poignant gesture, the narrator returns to the home country of Ní Dhuibhne’s deceased husband, Bo Almquist, whose death coincided with the writing of the collection. Music by Edvard Grieg from Peer Gynt, “The Morning Mood”, is being played. In a reverie or at death’s door, the narrator finds herself “(...) in Norway on the side of a mountain, not doing anything in particular. Just wandering along a winding path through the high evergreen trees, walking towards the rising sun.” (178) 

A Literatura como Ciência

30 Janeiro 2023, 11:00 Vanda Maria Coutinho Garrido Anastácio

Continuação do sumário da aula anterior

A Yellow Wallpaper

27 Janeiro 2023, 14:00 Maria Forjaz de Sampaio Sequeira Mendes

Discussão de "A Yellow Wallpaper".  

Close -reading de poemas. A noção de literatura,

27 Janeiro 2023, 09:30 Patrícia Soares Martins

Close -reading de  um poema de Ruy Belo: " A minha tarde"  (Homem de Palavra(s) 1970).

A noção de literatura, segudo Tzevetan Todorov (Os Géneros do Discurso [1984]): as duas mais persistentes definições de literatura, como imitação  (dominante da antiguidade ao século XVIII)  e como  uma prática autotélica, na qual os signos se orientam para os signos e não para um exterior. ( conceito que a partir do século XVIII se forma em torno da categoria estética do belo e no século XX surge na base da noção de sistema e de literariedade).